
Howto Apply Indicator on Calculated Result

Nonlinear Ehlers Filters (NEF) was written in VBScript back in 2001. This time around I have make available formula language as well as VBScript and Delphi Script version as additional examples for users who like to move up from NeoTicker formula language to VBScript or Delphi Script.

VBscript version has been revised, new version use setseries and makeinidcator to calculate coefficient values instead of adding historical value with heap. Delphi Script version use a heap object to store coefficient and loop to accumulate coefficient filter.

NEF in its original publication based calculation on median (i.e. (h+l)/2) instead of close only. I did not use median as base data series in my examples, apply NEF on Typical Price will give same result.

Fromula Language

Formula source NEF

Local variables are used (i.e. $Num and $SumCoef) to store results that will not be bases for further indicator calculation. Local variable is a single slot storage that will help save system resources when indicator is applied on lengthy data.

Delphi Script

NEF Delphi Source

Heap object and for loop is used instead of summation indicator to add up historical coefficient calculation, this implementation more closely resemble the original EL method.


NEF VBScript source

Summation indicator and setseries object is used in VBScript example, this implementation is similar to formula lanaguage use summation instead of loop to accumulate historical coefficient data. Setseries object is used to store internal calculation result in a data sereis, so indicator can be applied on this make up data series.


NEF formula language indicator download

NEF Delphi Script indicator dwonload

NEF VBScript indicator download

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