Archive for October, 2009


Access to Excel within Your Own Indicator

A simple example showing how you can access data directly from your Excel.


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NeoTicker 4.20 Build 60 Released

New Features

IDL Indicators

– New object ExtHeap that can be used as a communication tool between an indicator and its nested indicators
Itself object new method ParentExtHeap for the access of the ExtHeap from the parent indicator
Heap object new methods –

IntCount : integer returns the number of Int items that are stored within the heap

IntItem (AnIndex : integer, var AName : string, var AValue : integer) : boolean gives the user access to the stored Int items through an enumeration process using AnIndex from 0 to IntCount - 1 to access both the name and value stored within each item

RealCount : integer returns the number of Real items that are stored within the heap

RealItem (AnIndex : integer, var AName : string, var AValue : integer) : boolean gives the user access to the stored Real items through an enumeration process using AnIndex from 0 to RealCount - 1 to access both the name and value stored within each item

Formula Indicators

– New objects with functions to match the IDL equivalent – heap, pheap, extheap, parentextheap, gheap
– Listing of introductory functions for these heap objects, more will be added over time,

Allocate (size : integer)
Value (slot : integer) : double
SetValue (condition : boolean, slot : integer, value : double)
Real (name : string) : double
SetReal (condition : boolean, name : string, value : double)
Int (name : string) : integer
SetInt (condition : boolean, name : string, value : integer)

All functions sharing the same name as the IDL counterpart works in about the same way.

e.g. you can assign a value using heap.setreal (true, "name", data1) and obtain the stored value using heap.real ("name")

The parameter condition needs to be true for the various set functions to assign values to the heap item. This gives you the ability to control if value is to be assigned to the heap or not.


– Continuous Contract Table Editor added Clear All button
– Various export commands added support of the new 1 million+ rows limit in Microsoft Excel 2007

Bug Fixes

– Time and Sales export to Excel printing bid/ask data as type -99, which is designated for bad sequence data. Bids are now reported as type 10 and Asks are now reported as type 20
– Time and Sales export to Excel now straightly duplicate what is shown in the window into Excel
– Drawing tools – Support/Resistance, Fib Price 2 Points, Fib Price 3 Points, when used in a chart with log scale, display of price level labels wrongly and inconsistently when the chart is rescaled or when the drawing objects are moved
– Continuous Contract Table Editor sometimes not responding to clicks on the listing area if there is only 1 entry in the table


– Build 58 and 59 are released for internal testing only
– documentation update will be done in next release


TASC Traders’ Tips: Volume Weighted MACD Historgram

Formula indicator from October 2009 issue of Technical Analysis of Stock & Commodities magazine.


TASC Volume weighted MACD (tasc_vwmacd.for).


Howto List and Rank Indicator Result

NeoTicker® quote window have formula columns which allow users to easily see multiple symbols indicator calculated results in a list format. However quote window calculated columns are not available when NeoTicker® is in offline mode, in this case pattern scanner can be used to list indicator results.
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Solutions to frequent or odd disconnects from your real-time feed

We have worked with many clients to setup their computers to work better with real-time data streaming and trading purposes. Here are some tips (and funny stories) that work very well to maintain your internet connections in prime condition.
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Web Server Upgrade

We will be doing a server upgrade. NeoTicker forum and blog site could experience temporary outage, sorry for the inconvenience.
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Website Reorg

We are working on the re-organization of our company websites. The work is long overdue and it is going to take some time before the process can be completed.

Will keep you all posted along the way!


Makevalidarray and Heap Object Example

Relative Vigor Index was originally written back in January 2001 using VBScript, with two different sub functions and looping that reference previous bars and get calculated results. NeoTicker have since added new scripting language objects which have improved ease of implementing this kind of calculation.
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Using NeoTicker with Excel Part 2


To create highly presentable technical analysis chart has been a complex and tedious task for years. With NeoTicker®, you can simply send your chart data and technical indicators into Excel for presentation formatting. By utilizing Excel’s capability in presentation graphics, you can create high impact presentation easily.
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Using Excel with NeoTicker Part 1


You need to take a snapshot of the current market prices of a list of symbols and format the data for presentation purpose. NeoTicker® can export data directly to Excel and reformat the data for this purpose.
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Blog Developed
By ContentRobot