Howto Export/Import Groups
NeoTicker export/import group function allow users to move a whole group from one machine to another or share a setup with your friends over the network.
Export Group
NeoTicker export group function allows user to package a group contain chart, quote and any other windows into a single file. This file can be move from one NeoTicker installation to another, after import the exact same chart and quote windows setup can be seen on the other NeoTicker installation.
Export group function can also be used to backup selected group setup that you have spend a long time to build.
To start export group process, at main menu select Group> Export Package.
Next prompt shown on screen for user to select which group or groups to export. In this example I will select two groups my one chart and my one chart 1. (Note: Hold Shift key to select multiple items at prompt.)
Click on Open button after groups selection complete. Another prompt shown on screen for you to give file name and select which directory to store exported content. For this example I will save it to My Document and name it myexgroup. Click Save to complete the export process.
Import Group
Source of package to import can come from your friend, files downloaded from this site or any other site. Export group files are all in plain text format, if file is a zipped file make sure it is from a trusted source and put it through a virus scanner before process with unzip and import.
To start at main menu select Group> Import Package.
At file selection prompt select the export file from external source, click on open button to start the import process.
After import is completed import summary window will show groups and windows that are imported.
This complete the import process and groups copy from external source are available for use with this installation of NeoTicker.