
NeoTicker 4.50 Build 9 Released


– added special symbol list to filter out the settlement tick from real-time streaming and historical tick data on selected CME future contracts like 6E etc.

Command Line Option

– added option -CRO to enforce cache read-only as requested by several tech support teams who want controlled deployment

Main Program Window

– new popup menu to allow restore of main menu and toolbars

Windows 7

– taskbar menu support. when you place mouse cursor over NeoTicker taskbar tab, you will now be able to perform the same “Restore Main Window to Primary Monitor” command thru the thumb button


– Application Description under task manager (or in taskbar) now display the instance identifier if the user is providing one, or the process id, if the user has enabled multiple instancing

Bug Fixes

– German locale not properly identified for the determination of the user data directory
– User Define Symbol / External Style / Streaming update from Another NeoTicker updated to reflect changes in NeoTicker’s ActiveX definition

Blog Developed
By ContentRobot