
Are Dialogs Driving You Nuts?

Like most programs, NeoTicker tries to warn you before carrying on an action that has implications that are difficult/impossible to reverse. These are calling confirmation dialogs and they are usually a good thing for users who are new to a program, but too many of them can drive expert users nuts.

For example, if you try to close the user panel on a chart, NeoTicker will warn you:


Once you get used to NeoTicker, confirmation dialogs can get pretty tiring. You can easily configure NeoTicker to not showing these dialogs.

First, in main window, from the menu choose Program>User Preference to open the User Preference window. User Preference is where you can configure many NeoTicker options. In general, you can find non-data service related options in User Preference.

In the User Preference window, under the General tab, you can find the option group Confirmation Dialogs.


There are three settings you can choose from. So what do these settings mean?

The first setting, Always ask, is the default. With this setting, NeoTicker will always ask before committing an action. This is the setting that is the most beginner friendly, but most annoying.

The next setting, Ask before serious action, is the recommended setting for expert users. With this setting, NeoTicker will only pop up a confirmation dialog if it deems the consequence of an action serious. For example, if you try to close a group. This is a serious action because not only you can lose your set up, if you have trading systems running, they will be stopped too.

The last setting, Do not ask, should be choosen only if you know NeoTicker inside out. Choosing this setting will make NeoTicker commit to actions without asking.

The setting you choose will take effect immediately. There is no need to apply the setting. You can simply close User Preference.

There are hundreds of dialogs in NeoTicker. It is practically impossible for us to track them all. So if there is a dialog that is driving you nuts. You can report it to us. We keep an Annoying Confirmation List thread in our forums. Simply post the offending the dialog. We will collect a bunch of them and fix them in coming releases.

Below is the location of the thread:

Annoying Confirmation List


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