
How To Verify NeoTicker Download

NeoTicker download is quite large (~50M). When you download NeoTicker, the possibility of a corrupted download is very real. In our experience, every time we make a release, some support calls come in that can be traced back to bad downloads.

So how can you tell if a download is good or bad? The answer is checksum.

Checksum is like the signature of a file. It is very, very rare for two files to have the same checksum. So if the file you downloaded has a different checksum from the one we provided, it tells you that the file you downloaded is corrupted.

The type of checksum we used is called MD5. It is widely used by many companies that distribute large programs on the Internet.

To create MD5 checksum, you will need to use a third party program. The one I used is called md5summer but any MD5 program will do. You can do a search on google with the term MD5 and you will find a tool you like.

Here is how to verify a download:

  1. Save the NeoTicker installer in a folder.
  2. We don’t provide MD5 checksum for smaller programs. For larger programs, the MD5 checksum is placed closely on the download page.
  3. Download the MD5 checksum, save it to the same folder as the NeoTicker installer.
  4. Use your MD5 program to do the verification. In the case of md5summer, you can just double click on the MD5 file.

That’s it. If there is a problem, the MD5 program will tell you right away.


One Comment on “How To Verify NeoTicker Download”

  1. Paul V. Says:

    I remember from last time same problem. I wanted to update Neoticker and when I click on MD5 it opens a new window with some numbers on it. There is no “MD5” file. How the heck do I get it to “check” the Neoticker download?! (I downloaded MD5summer to use)
    These “How to” instructions are missing a step or something…

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