
Getting Ready for NeoTicker 4.30 Part 1

NeoTicker 4.30 is coming soon. There are things current users need to know and there are things power users wanted to know.

As usual, many new users do not understand why going from 4.20 to 4.30 is such a big deal. So, I am here to explain why.

Our Concept of Version Numbering

For many companies, going from one major version to the next is a big thing.
With a few additional features you see them make that another major release. Here at TickQuest, the number of features we’ve added in each major version is 10 times (IMHO a conservative statement) more than any other so-called competitors.

We like to provide worthwhile new features to our clients. Their commitment to using NeoTicker means a lot to us and we’ve determined to make NeoTicker a tool that give our users trading edges that cannot be found anywhere else.

So, here we go, a new minor release cycle that contains features we know will help our clients conquer the hectic markets we are facing today.

Windows 7 Compatibility

Yes it is finally here – no more running in xp compatibility mode nor running as administrator is needed. New users can install NeoTicker on Vista and Windows 7 and start it right the way.

What does that means for existing users?

We took huge effort to make sure existing users who have been using NeoTicker for a long time to be able to run NeoTicker 4.30 upon installation over 4.20 with no change to their workflows at all.

All existing data, setting files, etc. can stay the way they are so no need to change anything until you would like to take advantage of the new architectural advantages.

What does that means for power users?

Power users who wanted to take advantage of application isolation and data separation ability in Windows 7 will be happy to know that NeoTicker 4.30 fully support that. Your data can be stored completely contained in your user data directory and that you can easily backup your NeoTicker settings and data together with your other documents and settings easily.

Why now? Why wait til Windows 7? What about Vista?

Well, Vista as I posted before in many thread and forum messages, is a defect product from Microsoft. As of this point in time, it still is because Microsoft actually port part of Windows 7 back into Vista to fix certain visual bugs related to using Aero display.

The coding we have done so far are all aimed at utilizing Windows 7 and its future generations. It has been a top priority project for us because there are many things that can be done in NeoTicker only if Microsoft fixes the problems in Vista (i.e. the Windows 7 release just did it). Both XP and Vista users will benefit from our hard work if they fully update their OS with all the necessary patches from Microsoft.

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By ContentRobot