
Getting Ready for NeoTicker 4.30 Part 3

3rd installment on the changes in NeoTicker 4.30 that will improve the users ability to create more complex indicators much more easily.

Entering Horizontal Expansion Phase

NeoTicker has been in constant development for almost 10 years now. Features are refined, resigned, and reengineered many times over. Most of the features are matured to the point there is hardly any useful improvement can be added to make them better. The remaining area that we will continue with this vertical development effort are clearly identified and they will stay on course to be done over time. For example, we would like to further refine brokerage data interface so that the gap between retail automation and institutional automation can be narrowed further.

At this point, however, it is necessary to add features to make NeoTicker better as an all around useful tool for conducting trading and trading research. Following are the area that will be affected in the NeoTicker 4.30 development cycle.

Indicators toolbox

Indicators were provided mainly based on the classic concept of technical indicators. Transformation of data series into some form of computed series. Our vision of indicators, however, goes well beyond that. Picture indicators that generate useful informations that can be reused in your own indicators. If you have not noticed, we’ve added the necessary mechanism in 4.20 and that means a whole new generation of building blocks will be added in 4.30.

Visualization library

Many asked for the code, like how volume profile is done, so that they can do something similar with their own indicators. Well, we are going to go one step further – making these visualization techniques available directly within the indicator framework. No tedious coding, just get things done.

Reduced footprint

As real-time trading transactions keep exploding quickly, the need for better real-time memory management becomes very important. We will introduce various new ways to not only reduce memory usage (i.e. like the feature mentioned before that one can create internal indicators with limited # of bars), but also better overall memory usage control.

Add-ons and features not belonging to NeoTicker’s mainstream purpose

Some of you already know, and many more do not, that I did research work and create trading models for others long time ago. Current effort in the research front, in collaboration with several institutions, resulted in some very useful concepts. We plan to make these concepts into features or direct plug-ins for use with NeoTicker.

There are 2 key issues with these new tools.

First, as the work done on these research is not solely the properties of TickQuest, we need to work out the financial details before we can proceed with the projects.

Second, these add-ons will require their own respective development and upgrade efforts, including them into the regular release of NeoTicker means we have to increase the price of NeoTicker to justify the increase in development/maintenace cost.

For now, our intention is that these new add-ons and features will be charged separately from NeoTicker. Users can choose to include these tools if they wanted to.

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