Getting Ready for NeoTicker 4.3 and Beyond
After I last wrote about the upcoming NeoTicker version 4.3, one of our programmers who handle the overall user interface coding had accepted an offer to work for a client of our firm.
We are very happy for him as working for a hedge fund has always been what he wanted to do. The issue was that we were left with no one to complete the work he was responsible for. Adding to that, our top secret project on NeoTicker version 5 has so many UI changes it will be very difficult to keep it as a separate project when a team member is missing.
Software Versioning Model Change
After series of meetings and discussions with our programming team, we have decided to change our software versioning model from major version “jumping”, to a model that better reflect our vision of frequent updates with new features and bug fixes.
What I mean is that the upgrade policy on permanent licenses will change. The main differences are,
1. Someone purchased our product version X.Y will be entitled to free upgrade all the way up to (X + 1).(Y – 1). For example, someone who purchased NeoTicker 4.3, will be entitled to free upgrade up to version 5.2.
2. Within 1 year of purchase or paid upgrade, the license is entitled to free upgrade on all upgrades released during the time period.
3. Those who purchased permanent licenses of NeoTicker and other products on or after June 1, 2010 will be included in this revised upgrade policy.
Boundaries among Major Releases are Now Blurred
The change in the versioning model enables us to add new features to our products without worrying about classification of features designated for major release and/or minor releases.
I now have the flexibility to merge the planned (and implemented) new features for NeoTicker 5 into our release schedule whenever I see fit.
Overall, it turns out to be a good change for everyone within our company and I am sure many of you are happy to see that new features will be added more quickly.
Back to Normal
Our coding schedule is back on track. Programmers are less stressful and more productive as we streamlined the feature planning and release schedule.
Will keep you all posted on our progress.